
I am dr. Réka Katona,

attorney-at-law, European and International Business Lawyer.

I completed my secondary school studies at the English-Hungarian bilingual class of Varga Katalin Secondary School in Szolnok. After graduation (2005) I continued my studies at the Faculty of Law of Eötvös Loránd University Budapest, where I obtained a “cum laude” law degree in 2010. During the university years, in the framework of the Erasmus programme I had the opportunity to spend the academic year of 2008-2009 in Würzburg, Germany, at the Faculty of Law of the Bayerische Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg. I passed the Bar Exam in 2014, and then on the 27th of August 2014 I took the attorney-at-laws’ oath, so since then I have been the member of the Budapest Bar Association. In the academic year of 2015-2016 I sat again in the lecture halls of ELTE Law and obtained a master law degree in the field of European and International Business Law. In 2016 the Hungarian Bar Association chose me among the Hungarian attorney-at-laws for representing them during a 6-weeks’ hospitation programme in Germany, at a German law firm – so I was able to gain experience in this field as well.

After the years spent as trainee lawyer and attorney-at-law at international law firms, I established my own Law Firm on the 2nd of September 2022.

During my studies, as a citizen of a small European country, I always kept in mind to learn more foreign languages​​. I have advanced language skills in both English and German, so my Law Firm can provide you with professional legal services in the field of Hungarian and EU Law in three languages.

With the digitization of litigious and non-litigious procedures, legal services have also sped up. I can confidently say that the adjective “future lawyer” fits me and my Law Firm perfectly, since I already belong to a generation that keeps up with digital development. That is why I am flexible: if you want to consult in person, the conference room of my Law Firm is waiting for you in the 5th District of Budapest, and if you would like legal advice or document editing online, sitting in front of your computer, we may also solve this via video conference and video identification procedure.

You can find a more detailed description of my professional career on my Linked In profile:

My co-operating partner,

whom I work with to provide the highest quality service to our Clients and who is my substitute attorney as per Article 17 of Act LXXVIII of 2017 on Attorney-at-law Activities:

Dr. Mária Mészáros attorney-at-law

Dr. Mária Mészáros Law Firm

Spoken foreign language: English

Main scope of expertise: Economic Criminal Law, Real Estate Law, Corporate Law, Debt collection, Probate matters, Litigation and out-of-court representation, Enforcement.